developmental programs
for ages 3 - 7 , designed to provide children with wholesome hands-on learning opportunities that encompass home, farm and nature experiences.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

A quick update

 May 30, 2024

It has been an extremely long time since I have posted on this site.  I am much more interested in hiking, than computers, and yet in the back of my mind I have the nagging awareness that I ought to keep the information up to date and fresh with pictures and links.

So many things have changed, and so many things have remained the same!  

As always, we are committed to developmentally appropriate practice. Our priorities begin with warm and joyful connections with each child, always teaching respect for each other and our environment. We highly value real experiences through play and adventures. We work together on self-awareness, problem solving, confidence and creativity. 

Our activities encourage growth in fine and gross motor skills, as we spend lots of time in the woods and at the rivers and ponds on our property. We do crafts and games and work in the garden at times. We always have plenty of child-led free play which is supervised and with guidance as needed. 

These efforts contribute to the work of supporting all of the child's needs, so they can be more prepared for whatever is next, whether it is formal schooling or another level of alternative schooling, and beyond.  

One of the things that has changed is that we are not investing in farm animals anymore. We do still have one goat, Lydia, one rabbit, Honey Bunny, and about a dozen nice chickens. 

Also, our enrollment is now limited to the ages of 3 years old to 7, with a few children for before and after school. We still have a part time and full time preschool program. Part time is typically 8:30-12:30 for two or more days per week.

I'll be back with more info - but I don't dare say when. School is almost out for the summer and there are many more things to put into place!

~ Grace

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