Some head into the garden with Mr. Shaw to gather whatever is ripe. Even weeds have been making into the kitchen for meals. Lamb's Quarters which is similar to spinach (and even better) is one of our favorites!
A particularly creative and enthusiastic group concocted a wild weed soup and it was very well received by most : ) In addition to the Lamb's Quarters there was red clover, lemon sorrel and yellow dock.
On another day a trip to the pond brought back tasty cat tail flowers and bright red wild strawberries.
This group has also been making a nice new tree swing area for all to enjoy.
Our new healthy cooking group, led by Mrs. Hook has been providing us with very good "good for you" snacks everyday. We love to hear that old school bell clanging, announcing it's time to come and eat. We all come running, wash up and find a seat around the big farm table and then wait to be served by our hosts. The Butternut Squash Birthday cake was delicious! Various dips and vegetables, fruit platters, cheeses, freshly made pretzels and biscuits have all been well received!
We had a fruit smoothie taste test, yesterday, and we voted for our favorite out of 3 mixtures, each sweetened with a different natural sweetener of honey, maple syrup or agave nectar. It was a tough vote - they all were just perfect on a very hot day.
We're also learning how avocados, carrots and blueberries as well as other simple foods actually nourish our bodies. It seems like a good idea to eat those red peppers when we know they help our wounds heal better!
We're also learning how avocados, carrots and blueberries as well as other simple foods actually nourish our bodies. It seems like a good idea to eat those red peppers when we know they help our wounds heal better!
After the chores, we get a chance to blow off a some steam with water games, pond exploration and boat building. We are on a mission to discover the best type of boat to float. We're experimenting with all sorts of materials and constructions - we're going to find out what works and what doesn't!
One of Mr. Charlie's group projects was to construct a life size raft to sail out onto the pond. The kids were very enthusiastic and committed to the effort. Everyone gathered to witness the launch of the Great Raft.
Again we gathered and watched apprehensively. It started out well. Out into the pond it went. It held. Success!!!! We could have sold tickets to all who waited their turn impatiently for their excursion on the Great Raft of Ebenezer Farm!
All of the experiences we are having together are connecting us in new ways, building relationships between children and leaders, children and other children, and each of us with the wonder-filled world of nature. The older children are having the opportunity to help with the younger ones, whether it's playing games, or crafting or putting on shoes. They are such a help to us, but even more than that, it's heartwarming to see them grow together in this way.
As a matter of fact, the whole Ebenezer Farm environment is heartwarming for us, day after day after day. Tiring...(make that exhausting!), for sure, but so worth every bit of energy.
Grace and Caleb
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