Caleb and I have worked very hard for the past couple of years to get Ebenezer Farm up and running and just a little bit after our first year of operation, we were invited to attend the 2009 Eleventh Annual Celebration for Early Childhood Professionals sponsored by the State of NH Child Development Bureau.
The event was held on April 21st in Concord NH. At the ceremony we received the "Rising Star Award", because we are "professionals who excel in creating a quality environment for children and families." and we "offer a unique program that gives children the opportunity to experience the world through nature."
We are very pleased of course, but especially in light of the fact that we are well aware that our program is really testing the limits of the acceptable regulations ordered by the state, and here they are enthusiastically supporting our work!
The speaker, who shared her knowledge of us and our Farm, as well as other members of the administration that we spoke with, were abounding in praise and agreement of our philosophy, structure and activities. Wow! We can't ask for more than that! Here we are feeling that we're being a bit revolutionary - only because of the astounding reports of typical Child Care environments throughout the country and the world actually, and they award us. As Caleb told the audience, what we would like to see, is many more Child Care facilities like ours.
There was a write up about us in the Celebration program. In it they quoted both Caleb and myself from some things that we had written for them about our Child Care. I'll share what they printed, just to give a feel for what they appreciated.
From me, "Caleb and I have a passion to expose our children to the 'wonder-filled' world that exists within this nature and farm centered environment. We want them to discover the peace and contentment and goodness that is within their grasp. So, we spend all of our time with them, encouraging them by our example to explore life away from television and pressure, and find joy in simple things." "It all boils down to us just sharing what we treasure. And treasuring those we share it with."
And from Caleb, "It is when a child arrives upset that the effect of the environment we offer is most striking. I cannot claim any credit for the beauty of the sky and trees, or the antics of farm animals. I can only say that, when a child has been exposed to something upsetting, often the antidote is to expose them to something beautiful. It allows them a time in a sort of sanctuary, and allows a healing which I don't fully understand to occur. Just as we ourselves usually feel a lot better after a day at the beach, I've seen chldren healed by an afternoon among sunny pines."
In closing I remind you, as Caleb said and has said many times - we're really not doing anything special - it's the woods and the wind and the sun shining down on us - it's so simple and so perfect. I hope you make time to experience that too.
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