developmental programs
for ages 3 - 7 , designed to provide children with wholesome hands-on learning opportunities that encompass home, farm and nature experiences.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

I absolutely love what we do at Ebenezer Farm.  I believe this is the best environment for children to learn and grow.  As I look around the web, sometimes  I find others who have similar programs, and I love to save the links, learn from them, and share with the readers here.

I found the following article on Upworthy.com at

See Adorable Photos of 
7 Forest Schools from Around 
the Country

Ahh, there’s nothing better than some time with Mother Nature.

Breathing the fresh air, being unplugged and disconnected, experiencing the peacefulness of the outdoors ... it’s pretty fantastic.
When kids go outside and play in nature, there are real benefits to both physical health andemotional well-being. The only problem is, kids are spending less time in nature and more time hooked up to their tablets, smartphones, and video games.
Maybe it’s time to put down that device and take a walk in the woods!

That's why in Denmark, “forest kindergartens” have scrapped the traditional preschool classroom.

These schools take kids back into nature, allowing them to learn through free play and exploration. And this less structured preschool setup seems to be working. According to a recent report by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Danish schools outperformed American schools in math and science.
Luckily, Danes aren’t the only ones taking early childhood education back into nature.
There is a growing movement of forest schools right here in the United States as well. Here are just a few of them (and they’re all pretty awesome).

1. Cedarsong Forest Kindergarten (Vashon, Washington)

Kids at Cedarsong head off to another adventure in the forest. Photo by Cedarsong Nature School used with permission
In a typical preschool, you'd likely see a plethora of brightly colored toys, a water/sand table (my personal favorite), puzzles, blocks, and if you’re lucky, an outdoor playground. Basically, you’d never run out of activities to do.
Well, at Cedarsong Nature School, things are just a little bit different. Cedarsong believes in an unstructured immersion in nature. This means there is no set agenda, projects, or teacher direction. Cedarsong sees a value in just being in nature, not necessarily even needing to “do” anything.

Building a "dam" in the mud. Photo by Cedarsong Nature School, used with permission
At Cedarsong Nature School, kids are encouraged to explore, ask questions, cooperate with one another, and take moderate risks to build self-confidence. Teachers guide students in their curiosity about nature, but don’t hover over the kids or monitor their every move.

2. Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center (Mystic, Connecticut)

Who needs a tablet when you have a forest? (And a bunny!) Photos by Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center, used with permission
The Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center preschool certainly lives up to its motto: “nature is our niche.” The preschool is situated on a 400-acre nature preserve, complete with meadows, ponds, hiking trails, and plenty of rocks and trees to climb on. They consider these grounds to be a “living classroom,” which is a pretty cool concept!
The DPNC Nature Preschool has turned down offers to create a structured "nature playground." They believe that nature creates its own playground, where children can create their imaginative, limitless fun.

3. Little Tree Huggers (Leesburg, Virginia)

Making new friends at Little Tree Huggers. Photo by Heaton Johnsonm used with permission
At Little Tree Huggers, children not only learn about math and language arts, but are also immersed in Spanish and exposed to German and Italian. However, what truly sets LTH apart from a “normal” preschool is that most instruction takes place outdoors in a natural environment surrounded farm animals.

Kids and chickens, what better combination? Photo by Heaton Johnson, used with permission
Children have the freedom to choose their playtime activities, which might include interacting with animals, making paintings with natural materials, or listening to the sounds of nature from the Little Tree Huggers observation deck. There is an emphasis on sustainability, teaching kids from a young age how to reduce, reuse, and recycle.

4. Worldmind Nature Immersion School (Denver, Colorado)

A little snow and ice can't keep these kids from having fun. Photo by Worldmind School, used with permission
Located in Colorado, Worldmind Nature Immersion School has its fair share of extreme weather. But no matter the season, one thing remains the same. Kids spend the entire day outside — they don’t even have an indoor facility!

Tree trunk too high? Not for these kids! Photo by Worldmind School, used with permission
School classes are held entirely on public land, exploring open space and city parks to connect children to the ecology of where they live. If there is extremely severe weather, they’ll explore indoor places, such as the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, to enhance their learning of the natural world. Worldmind School provides an informal setting for learning to naturally occur during free outdoor playtime.

5. Nature Preschool at Irvine (Owings Mills, Maryland)

Catching butterflies or going for a hike sure beats the classroom. Photo by Nature Preschool at Irvine, used with permission
At the Nature Preschool at Irvine Nature Center, teachers act as guides, allowing children to venture out and discover the magic of nature in unstructured nature play. Children develop responsibility and independence through everything they do, from putting their own boots on to composting an apple to feeding the birds.

While the learning here takes place almost entirely in nature, it is licensed by the state of Maryland and accredited by the NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children), showing that these nature-immersion schools still provide a strong foundation. However, Irvine Nature Preschool doesn’t rush or force the learning process; it allows children to learn and develop at their own natural pace.

6. Mother Earth School (Portland, Oregon)

Learning how to use (real) tools. Photo by Mother Earth School, used with permission
At Mother Earth School, children play in a grove of cedar trees, the perfect backdrop for free play. Kids use their imagination to make the forest come to life. Who needs plastic toys (or any toys, really), when you can make a tree branch become a fishing pole or turn a log into a train?
There's plenty of time for free play each day, in addition to time spent making natural arts and crafts. Kids here begin learning how to carve wood with real Swiss-made knives at the age of four (um, I can’t do that, and I’m an adult) — talk about fine motor skills!
During snack time, kids help to build the fire and then get to enjoy organic snacks cooked on a rocket stove and bread baked fresh in a cob oven. This sounds a whole lot more exciting than the Nilla wafers I ate from a box (which were admittedly delicious) during my preschool years!

7. Berkeley Forest School (Berkeley, California)

Forget electronics. Trees are all these kids need! Photo by Berkeley Forest School, used with permission
While there is a daily routine at Berkeley Forest School, no two days end up the same. The discoveries kids make on their daily adventures provide inspiration for sensory-based learning activities. A typical day includes observing wildlife and journaling about the findings, building swings and shelters in the woods, and building and cooking on an open fire.

Look at that concentration! Photo by Berkeley Forest School, used with permission

The forest school movement is continuing to expand in the United States (and around the world), taking kids out of structured classroom and back into nature.

Hooray for forest schools! Photos by Nature Preschool at Irvine used with permission
Judging by the looks on these kids faces, it seems like these programs are doing something (perhaps almost everything) right!

5 parenting styles that cause entitlement in kids — and how to change them.

  I found this helpful article on TODAY Parents. With the many pressures and demands of busy lives, parents and children can easily find themselves in patterns of habit that are unhealthy and unpleasant.  

5 parenting styles that cause entitlement in kids — and how to change them.

We all have them: the "What were we thinking?" parenting moments. We let our kids sneak in after curfew because we don't want another battle. Or we stock our purse with candy to make it through errands. Or maybe we've been cleaning the forgotten guinea pig's cage — every Saturday for two years!

Guilty as charged? In fact, most of us have probably gone to similar extremes rather than trying to actually change our kids' behavior.
There's nothing wrong with helping our kids out every so often — but when our "helping" and "allowing" become a way of life, we're walking the slippery slope of the entitlement epidemic.
In fact, more and more parents are recognizing the signs of entitlement in their kids. We see kids who won't lift a finger to help out, who think the world revolves around them, who rarely show gratitude and empathy and who demand more...more...more!
But the seeds of entitlement are sown over the years in a million little parenting decisions — all made in the name of love. Sometimes a few tweaks in parenting style can make all the difference. Below are some of the most common entitlement-prone parenting styles, as well as a few proven fixes:
1. The "Keep Em Happy at All Costs" Parent
This might be you if: You'd rather let your kids dominate your phone during errands or pull strings with teachers and coaches than face a tantrum.
When we drop everything to help our kids avoid unhappiness or disappointment, we teach them that their happiness is a top priority. Kids develop the entitled "What's in it for me?" attitude whenever they're asked to behave or show kindness. And when they face life's setbacks, like not making the team, they're unable to cope. Make a clean break by telling your kids, "You're really growing up, and I'm confident you can make it through the grocery store without my phone." Then, help your kids develop some strategies for overcoming difficulties large and small from having to sit quietly through Aunt Ellie's wedding to raising their history grade.
The fix: Give kids what they are entitled to: your love and undivided attention every day. I call it Mind, Body and Soul Time, and parents tell me all the time how this tool works wonders in their homes. Simply spend at least 10 minutes a day individually with each child, on their terms, doing whatever they want to do during that time. Commit to it on a daily basis, and you can watch entitled behaviors melt away. Your kids will stop trying to get your attention in negative ways (like tantrums and negotiating) when they know they'll get it in positive ways.
2.The Enabler
This might be you if: your 16-year-old still expects to grab a fully prepared bag lunch on her way out the door every morning, or your 7-year-old somehow always gets you to clean up his Legos.
Enabling starts small, but can soon get out of control as you fix multiple meals for dinner or you continually gather up dirty clothes from your 13-year-old's room because it's easier than dealing with the complaining and negotiating. When is it time to say when? If you feel annoyed or put out when your kids expect you to go out of your way for them, or if they seem to feel entitled to a free ride, that's a big clue you need a change.
The fix: Tell your kids, "You're really growing up, and you're old enough now to remember to put your dirty clothes in the laundry room." Then, employ a tool I call Decide What YOU Will Do. Say, "I'll do laundry on Tuesdays and Fridays. I'll wash the clothes that are in the laundry baskets and already sorted by darks and lights. Anything that's not ready and waiting in the basket can wait until the next laundry day, or you are welcome to wash it yourself." Set your kids up for success by asking, "Now, what can you do to remember?" Then follow through. After having to wear a smelly tennis uniform once or twice, your teen will soon be stepping up and taking personal responsibility.
3. The Rescuer
This might be you if: Your child can't remember his homework, permission slips, gym shoes and lunch unless you remind him every single morning.
You've had the sense for a long time that your kids could remember their soccer cleats by themselves, but they never seem to — and then they feel entitled to your personal delivery service when they forget. The truth is, whether you're frantically helping your child finish a science project the night before it's due or negotiating grades and football starting positions, you might need to back off and let your child face the music when it comes to his own effort (or lack thereof) and forgetfulness.
The fix: Institute The No-Rescue Policy for repeated forgetfulness (anyone can make a mistake from time to time). Tell your kids in advance that you'll no longer be rescuing them. Be clear about your expectations, and help them brainstorm strategies to keep track of their responsibilities. Let the situation play out — even though it's tough — and soon your kids will make a giant leap in following through.
4. The Indulger
This might be you if: Your 12-year-old demands to see the PG-13 movie with friends — and wins — or your 6-year-old insists on drinking soda with every meal — and wins.
We've all been busted on this one. It's not wrong to let our kids experience life's little pleasures, but it's our job to set the appropriate limits we know are best. Entitled kids are known for thinking of themselves as above the rules, and deserving the best of what life has to offer. We can change this mindset by sticking with the limits we set, and ignoring the protests and negotiations.
The fix: We can provide plenty of opportunities for kids to wield age-appropriate control over their own lives by offering them a Decision-Rich Environment. With this tool, we allow our kids a sense of power over positive things, such as what kind of healthy snacks to buy, whether to do their homework in their room or at the table, and input into vacation activities within a set budget. When kids have more control over some aspects of their lives, they are less likely to pitch a fit when we have to say no or enforce limits in other areas, like bedtime or curfew.
5. The "Over-the-Top" Parent
This might be you if: You go far out of your way to make sure your kids have the best childhoods possible.
Lavish holidays, designer bedrooms, picture-perfect outfits — these are all great things, but kids don't need them. If they always experience the best of what life has to offer when they're young, they'll feel entitled to it, and better, as they grow older. Cutting back our over-the-top tendencies will make for happier, more contented children down the road.
The fix: Take pleasure in the little things by expressing gratitude for what you do have instead of focusing on what you want. In fact, research shows that grateful people are happier overall. Involve your kids, and create daily or weekly gratitude rituals to help them appreciate what's most important in their lives.
Whatever your parenting style, you can put an end to the entitlement epidemic at your house by putting these positive tools to work. Your kids will be happier for it — and so will you!