"Then followed that beautiful season...Summer....
Filled was the air with a dreamy and magical light; and the landscape
Lay as if new created in all the freshness of childhood."
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Dear Parents,
The last day of school for the Mascenic School District is June 6th - then on to SUMMER! We eagerly anticipate the season of freedom, adventure and delight! Here is information on what we need from you.
- Their very own labeled sunscreen and bug spray. Children arriving after 8:30 need to have these applied by parents, as we are usually busy getting our plans underway. It can be done at home or with the products kept here. We will apply more as needed throughout the day.
- Shoes for water, muck and hiking - must protect toes - crocs with back straps are fine - NO flip flops.
- Bathing suits (skip the lighter, easily stained colors) and towel.
- Freshly filled water bottles each day. We will refill during the day, and send home at night.
- Sun hat (optional - but often helpful).
- Healthy, easily transportable lunch. Snacks provided by Ebenezer Farm. No Friday lunch Café for Summer.
- Blanket and small pillow for quiet time for every child. No one is required to sleep, just take a break.
- Rain gear.
- Back up supply of clothing, checked and restocked daily. Include a light jacket or sweatshirt.
Therefore,….please have all children at Ebenezer Farm by 8:59 am.
Departure times are in the process of being organized so that we can avoid disruptions throughout the afternoon. Once all schedules have been submitted, we will group as many as possible together and announce the schedule.
Please submit your child’s planned vacation days as soon as possible to assist in our activity planning.
A $25 holding fee and return date is due for children away for will not attend for the Summer.
For part-time attendees: Your scheduled days are reserved, and all reserved days must be paid for a week prior to attendance. If your child cannot attend for any reason, unfortunately there are no refunds.
We are closed on July 4th, and on Labor day September 5th Mascenic schools begins on Aug 31st.
Caleb and Grace and the fabulous Ebenezer Farm staff!