developmental programs
for ages 3 - 7 , designed to provide children with wholesome hands-on learning opportunities that encompass home, farm and nature experiences.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Ebenezer's Explorers

There are still a few openings in our full day or morning only summer programs.
Ebenezer's Explorers can choose full days from 8:45 a.m - 4:00/5:00 p.m. for $40.00 per day or 2 or more 1/2 days from 8:45 a.m. -12:30 p.m for $25.00 per day.
All programs include a healthy snack prepared with the children. Lunch is to be brought from home, and eaten together before the half-day program children leave.
Morning activities include a daily rotating schedule of animal chores, garden and farm projects and food preparation.  Following the enjoyment of the group snack, there will be time for fort building, hiking, fishing, games, campfires and crafts.
It's really a great time for all, leaders and children alike!
We hope you'll join us!

~* Grace and Caleb

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Violet Syrup

I found a recipe for violet syrup on the web, and thought it would be a fun project to do with the children. While it ended up that their role was to watch as I carried out all of the steps, it was a captivating process and they did get to participate completely in the consumption of the final product -which they
enthusiastically approved of.
I had planned on having them pick the violets, but when the landscaping truck came through the neighborhood to mow the lawn (or so I thought), Ms Lianne and I rushed out to pick as fast we could before they were chopped up. 
After the flowers steeped in the boiled water for 2 hours the water was a gorgeous teal green.  This was then simmered with sugar until it became syrupy.  A couple tablespoons of lemon juice added in, immediately turned the syrup into a fabulous pink - (well my practice batch at home turned fabulous pink - but with the kids I must have put too much lemon, so it turned a pleasant peachy pink color...so much for practicing ahead).  Taste tests of hot syrupy sweetness all around - yum!  A few scoops of vanilla ice cream added to the delight, but the finishing touch was supplied by Mother Nature as a surprise downpour and thunder storm rolled overhead and made the screen porch  more snug and cozy than ever.

~ Savoring the season,