Our Autumn Celebration was a lovely success, due to no effort on the part of the Ebenezer Farm staff. All we really had to do was invite our families to come and enjoy the day and we could call it good - very very good. The weather was gorgeous, the background scenery was magnificent and the children, as usual were delightful. The following pictures don't do the event justice, but they are serve as pleasant reminders.

A group returning from the tour of the trails.

Showing Dad one of the chickens, behind the fence.

Wagon ride.

Old friends on a new day.

Checking out the fishing gear - never tired of that!
All sorts of stories to tell.
Mr. Shaw returning, sure that all's well in the woods.
More folks returning from the trails.
Time for delicious desserts and fresh cider.

Gathered for the Preschooler's performance.
"It's Circle Time, It's Circle Time, Come and gather 'round...."
"It's time to come together, time to sing some songs..."

"Five Little Pumpkins sitting on a Gate...."

"There Was A Cabin In The Woods"

"I Had A Little Turtle"
"Two Little Blackbirds"

"Wait, Mrs. Shaw...Mrs. Shaw...Mrs. Shaw, I'm going to sing "Open, Shut Them", upside down!"

"Ebenezer Farm is EXCELLENT - YEAH!!!!"

It was a great day!!!! Thanks for coming!
~* Grace and Caleb